Today in my teacher projected a documentary about jobs. This documentary was interesting because it was about our generation and how the jobs that we are training for are getting farther and father away from arms length. This seriously caught my attention because I was no unaware of it.

When I was little, my parents told me that the main goal up to the point of being 18+ is to good excellent in school, get a great education and then graduate to go to college or university and then go off and get a well paid job. That's what I grew up thinking everyone did. I grew up thinking that if you did exactly that, that you were going to live a very comfortable life style. Depending on what I wanted to go into it would have still lead to a comfortable middle class life style that everyone is used to now a days. Little did I know that my future was going to be at risk.

Its outstanding to know that even if you get a degree in a field that the job isn't a 100 % attainable. You would think that if you didn't have any degree in any field that getting a job wouldn't be attainable but even with a degree its still hard to get a job. That's pretty twisted. Knowing that you might be jobless when your older is extremely alarming.

In my opinion I feel like we need to stop with the books and start with the actual work to have experience that will benefit us in the future with our career that we are trying to reach. If you think about it, the reason why people aren't getting a job is because of the lack of experience. Think of it like this, would you rather have a doctor operate on you with a lot of book knowledge but no experiences or a doctor with a lot of experience? Anyone would pick the doctor with the experience because it would just make more sense. Overall something needs to change so that when we get older we will have a good future for our future children.

I find it pretty funny when I see people criticize others on their body. I find it so humorous that I literally laugh out loud. Its funny because if I girl is a size 0 then shes "gross skinny" but if she has curves then shes "fat." Society has idolize girls being skinny but when they are they aren't accepted.. Men want "some meat on their girl" but when she does shes fat. Can you see the humor that I see?

Its interesting though.. Why do we expect so much and when we receive it, it isn't to our liking. Our standards are SO high that we don't even know what they are.. If we knew we would be insure about our bodies. Everyone has different tastes and it shouldn't matter but it does. Its so interesting when someone say's "you're to fat to be in a bikini" but then there are million dollar clothing companies that make clothes for plus sized people. Shocker isn't it?
For me personally, I don't find anything wrong with being bigger or smaller, it is what it is. I just don't understand why people would focus on it to the point where they go ahead and change. Don't get me wrong, there isn't anything wrong with wanting to better yourself but it all has a limit. Because you will never be 100% happy with anything. You will always find something wrong and nit pit it to the extreme. Its in our genes. That's what humans do. So I feel like we should just drop it and stop criticizing. Its pointless. Nothing comes out of it and we are all just wasting time. Live every moment you have because tomorrow is promised to absolutely no one.

        You don't have to watch the video, but just listen to the words that are being preached and tell me how you feel after. This is the kind of words that any children, teenager, adult, and elder need to hear. Men and women. Doesn't matter..
The message being sent hit me hard, hard enough to make me reflect on my life and question myself a bit. Test myself. Discover myself. We all have the potential to live our dreams and those who choose to do so will always be on top.

    In the video 2 quotes really stuck with me and it was "you have to believe that something different can happen, he who says who can and he who says he can't are both usually right" and "now most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad, you just kinda want it, you don't want it bad but you want to party, you don't want it as much as you want to be cool.. most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep." I couldn't even take it in because of how real those words were. Real enough to make me put in on repeat.. Imagine how life would be if we lived up to those standards that we put up. Just think about it for a bit.

   I've grown up in a family where you shouldn't ever cross the line and stay in the safe zone because that's the place that nothing bad will ever happen to you. As I got older I started to question it. I started questioning the boundaries that I've carved my life around.. Why are they there and what would happen if I crossed it a tiny bit.. Not a lot but a little bit. Will there be a difference? Would it even matter?
At a very young age we were raised to be careful about everything that we're doing because situations can happen that could hurt us in some way. The real question is what would happen? The future is unpredictable and so is faith. So what if we wasted our whole life being trapped in this circle of security just to know that nothing around us can actually harm us.. Imagine if you lived your life to its full potential and experienced everything that it has to ofter without being scared of what people thought or the "what if's" to the situation?
Wouldn't it be amazing to know and to feel that your doing something exciting with the days that you've been given? I couldn't ask for anything more.
So cross the line, take a step and do something that you will remember and be proud of. You never know if there's even going to be a tomorrow so forget the problems and do something that you've dreamed of.
"Create, imagine and inspire" is a quote that I live by and I think you should too.
This is my idea of paradise.

How beautiful would it be to sit with your loved ones, cheers to a cold drink and watch this breathless sunset. To me, small things that we take for granted everyday like sunsets are what I'm grateful for. Not saying that I'm the only one that does but we over look things that can be so beautiful. I've always wanted to witness one of these and hopefully I'll get the opportunity to view one with someone I'm close too just to make it that much more memorable.

Excuse the words choice but I stumbled across this on my twitter and over tumblr and thought it was interesting enough to post it for a little bit of inspiration. This left me wondering and thinking so why not show someone that could be reading this right? There's many quotes I live by like "live for something" "don't hang on to painful memories" and "live your life to its full potential." I personally think its worth the read.

    The first year in civic mirror was more of a hit and miss for many reasons. Some of the reasons was because I think I could have done more on whats was on my hidden agenda and have gotten more status points. What did affect my family was that 3 of my family member that died because of the lack of food and the random attack that happened.
Those could have been preventable and so it was more of a learning experience then anything else.

Like ever year we have our town hall and see what court dates will be set. There were 2 court dates set and one of them was a complete joke and "mocked" the court system. I could see the reason beyond the joke and it was to show that the votes and decisions were totally basis. I personally think that if you want to run a respectable court system you can't have someone that will be on only one person's side and not anyone else because you "don't like them." Its not fair game and will get no one anywhere if it isn't done with an opened opinion every time.

Besides that I think the second year ran a lot more smoothly and was controlled a lot better.