I picked these articles because I feel like some of my strongest skills were presented and projected here. These article range from some of my very first to my latest and over time I see how much I've improved over the semester. Overall I've had a great semester. I learned more then e
    This article is talking about how the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper is stepping down just after 4 days of after the government said he gave an embattled Conservative lawmaker more than 90,000 Canadian dollars. This relates to Zugzwang because of on the first year of civic mirror the first prime minister stepped down pretty soon after being elected.
    This article is discussing taxes in the United States. This relates to Zugzwang because in our government we to discuss taxes and if we should have high taxes to support others or have low taxes that would benefit ourselves instead of having money for welfare. In our government it was more of a 50, 50 when it came to taxes because of the fact that many people didn't want to be taxed to support other people when they could support themselves. I personally don't see anything wrong with helping someone else out and paying for a services that could do so.
    In this article its going into more detail on the poverty in Canada and breaks it down to see exactly what it is, how to fix it and who it affects.  In Zugzwang I believe there was poverty because not everyone in Zugzwang got the chance to get food, job, or shelter. In my first year I had nothing, no food no shelter and no job. I was basically poor. Things obviously got better but I believe it was in the 3rd year where farmers were  refusing to give away food and was leaving many without any food. To me this was a clear sign of poverty to a certain extent.
    My last article is more of an over view on the charges that you can get with having a fraud case in the court house. In our court house of Zugzwang there was one fraud court case that was presented but it was more done with a purpose if you read into it.  It was basically exposing our biased judge and jury members. All in all the ones who presented a "fraud court case" where charged for it and there on there was also put a law against fraud cases. This relates to the real word because there are fraud court cases and punishments to prevent them.

        You don't have to watch the video, but just listen to the words that are being preached and tell me how you feel after. This is the kind of words that any children, teenager, adult, and elder need to hear. Men and women. Doesn't matter..
The message being sent hit me hard, hard enough to make me reflect on my life and question myself a bit. Test myself. Discover myself. We all have the potential to live our dreams and those who choose to do so will always be on top.

    In the video 2 quotes really stuck with me and it was "you have to believe that something different can happen, he who says who can and he who says he can't are both usually right" and "now most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad, you just kinda want it, you don't want it bad but you want to party, you don't want it as much as you want to be cool.. most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep." I couldn't even take it in because of how real those words were. Real enough to make me put in on repeat.. Imagine how life would be if we lived up to those standards that we put up. Just think about it for a bit.
_Happy living. Successful achievements. A life full of joy and kindness.
That's what your going to receive when you have a positive attitude. Having a negative attitude will never get you what you want and never get you anywhere. I feel that you should enjoy every experience that your in and grasp as many opportunities as possible to build  a story book of your life. No reason why you should be sitting upset and without a single spirit of life in you. There's more to life then that, and yes bad things will happen but its your choice on how you handle it.
_Ambition is everything. I feel like there are 2 steps to success and it all leads to ambition. The first  one is to set goals. What do you want to achieve? It can be related with school or a personal issue such as losing weight. Doesn't matter what you choice because once you know exactly/specifically what you want to work on then things become less overwhelming. Nothing is worse then wanting to do something but not knowing exactly what you want to do and how to start it so having a goal set is really important.

The last step is just putting in work, work and work. Your going to have to work on your goal if you want to achieve it. Its pretty common knowledge. If you have the mind set of working for what your want then your going to not only achieve your goal but along with anything else in life.

Think about it this way. Lets say you want a new pair of shoes and not just any kind but a specific shoe because we can't be working with every shoe on the market. Okay now that we have that down, are you either going to save up the money for the shoes or are you just going to just wait until someone buys them for you? Personally I'd want to save up my own money to buy something that I want and having that satisfaction of knowing that I put in work  to get something that I feel that I deserve. So which one are you?


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

