The first year in civic mirror was more of a hit and miss for many reasons. Some of the reasons was because I think I could have done more on whats was on my hidden agenda and have gotten more status points. What did affect my family was that 3 of my family member that died because of the lack of food and the random attack that happened.
Those could have been preventable and so it was more of a learning experience then anything else.

Like ever year we have our town hall and see what court dates will be set. There were 2 court dates set and one of them was a complete joke and "mocked" the court system. I could see the reason beyond the joke and it was to show that the votes and decisions were totally basis. I personally think that if you want to run a respectable court system you can't have someone that will be on only one person's side and not anyone else because you "don't like them." Its not fair game and will get no one anywhere if it isn't done with an opened opinion every time.

Besides that I think the second year ran a lot more smoothly and was controlled a lot better.

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