I've grown up in a family where you shouldn't ever cross the line and stay in the safe zone because that's the place that nothing bad will ever happen to you. As I got older I started to question it. I started questioning the boundaries that I've carved my life around.. Why are they there and what would happen if I crossed it a tiny bit.. Not a lot but a little bit. Will there be a difference? Would it even matter?
At a very young age we were raised to be careful about everything that we're doing because situations can happen that could hurt us in some way. The real question is what would happen? The future is unpredictable and so is faith. So what if we wasted our whole life being trapped in this circle of security just to know that nothing around us can actually harm us.. Imagine if you lived your life to its full potential and experienced everything that it has to ofter without being scared of what people thought or the "what if's" to the situation?
Wouldn't it be amazing to know and to feel that your doing something exciting with the days that you've been given? I couldn't ask for anything more.
So cross the line, take a step and do something that you will remember and be proud of. You never know if there's even going to be a tomorrow so forget the problems and do something that you've dreamed of.
"Create, imagine and inspire" is a quote that I live by and I think you should too.

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