Not exactly sure how I'm going to state this, or even explain it but just bare with me. I want to blog about something that gets under my skin. I usually don't like to discuss about things that urge me to punch walls and commit total destruction around me because I like to think positively and see the good things before I can pick out the bad. But to be honest I see this so much that its pretty much impossible to run away from.

For me personally I'm completely against violence. Its just something that everyone experiences at one point in time and its sad to say but true. Being abused physically, emotionally and mentally is just horrible. I just don't know how people can go around and find some sort of pleasure in hurting someone else physically.
Why? I know there can be reasons for your actions but I'm talking about those people that just go around starting fights and encouraging others to start. I mean don't you feel guilty? I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I hurt someone physically for no reason at all. Its just to cruel. And I'll tell you why you don't feel guilty. You don't feel guilty because you think its okay, normal and its some sort of way to express your anger that's in your system. I don't know what you've been through or what you have seen but that doesn't excuse your dangerous actions.
It just doesn't and it never will. There is a reason why we have laws and punishments in our society that try to control and minimize as much violence as possible so don't try to convince me that fighting is okay and normal. If it was okay you'd be seeing everyone fighting each other at random times in the day and society would be broken because of the fact that there isn't any peace. If you think its okay then your not thinking straight. Go get yourself involved in something that will exfoliate all the negativity in your mind. Its not okay and if you don't see this your clearly blind or have some sort of mental disorder. Seriously think of how your projecting yourself to everyone around you. You just might be losing respect from people that adore you just because you don't know how to
a) control your anger or b) solve your problems. There are more ways to solve issues.
That's exactly why we have counseling, therapy etc.

In conclusion think of it like this, act smart and people will think your smart, dress nice and people will think your attractive, and fight for a joke and people will treat you as a joke.

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