I've noticed a few things recently. And to be honest I feel stupid for not realizing them earlier because they were right in front of me.. Girls care more about the names on their clothes and the watches on their writs then a solid education and sometimes even values. I'm not going to say that just because you wear a designer jacket and wear a fancy gold, silver or rose gold watch makes you a horrible person. Not at all. Because if that made I'd be a hypocrite.
But that shouldn't be everything you stand for.  It looks like your hiding true personality with clothes and accessories to make yourself look like your someone special.
There is more to a person then what they own and how they present themselves .. Character and ambition is what I look in people. Sure to the eye they look like a million bucks but when you look past that there's nothing to then look at anymore. All the bling and charm of those things are gone. I feel like you should focus more of what others will remember you by from 10 years from now. How amazing does it sound when someone remembers you as that girl that took her studies seriously and was an honor student? I personally think that sounds more pleasing  to the ear.
Wear what you want, look the way you want to look but don't let that ego get to your head and control who you want to be is all I'm saying.
4/11/2013 01:27:12 pm

Don't you wear brand name clothes too? Tell me something then, why do the smart girls mostly go around being noticed where as the one's who are pretty get noticed. Some people just have to go through first impressions before they can get under the skin. I've noticed in class you care about your vanity as well too and in my opinion you shouldn't be focusing on those things, maybe you should think about shooting high marks for your future because what you do now, effects your future. You don't want to be working in a pizzeria forever, don't you?


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