Why do girls hate each other? You would think that men would say that about the opposite sex but I've witnessed it on more then one occasion where girls will without a second to logically process what their about to say just bash another girl for no reason sometimes. Twitter is a perfect trap to catch everything in the moment. I've seen tweets like "I hate girls sooooo  much" and of course there's no reason on why that person does. Sure maybe that person did something to you that made you think twice about your friendship or hmm maybe that girl has the same top as you. But if you really think about it, your claiming that you hate girls in general. Why? What has every female in the entire world done to you? Hate is a strong word, don't ever forget that. It isn't something you should throw around like candy. I personally feel like girls should stick together. There's no reason to isolate yourself from your own gender. Remember that as chill a guy can be he could never fully understand how a girl acts and feels. Its the exact same way for us girls. So stop bashing and just be more careful of the friends you pick. Not only are you giving your own gender a bad outlook but your giving yourself a bad outlook.

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